CSE 2103 Theory of Computation (Session 2018-19)

Undergraduate course, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Institute of Information Technology, 2019

This was full pledged class after COVID-19 crisis.


From Dec 2018 to May 2019

Course Contents

Brief Review of mathematical background: Binary relations, digraph, string,languages, proofs, inductive definitions; Finite automata and regular expressions: Deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, regular expressions and regular sets, Kleene’s Theorem; Properties of regular sets: pumping lemma, closure properties, decision algorithms; Context Free grammar and languages: Context-free grammars, regular grammars; Simplified forms and normal forms: useful symbols, productions, unit productions, chomsky normal form; Pushdown automata: pushdown automaton, equivalence between pushdown automata and context-free languages; Turing machine: introduction to Turing machines.

Reference Book:

  1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation by John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Third Edition, Pearson Education.
  2. Sipser, Michael. “Introduction to the Theory of Computation.” ACM Sigact News 27.1 (1996): 27-29.